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ProJect ProPosal

Architecture creates dramatics to interior spaces whereby, it brings in shadows through sun light to the interior space

Escalator has a important value to workers , public transportation user. Many things tend to be happen in the escalator. Emotional , Physical appearance wise.

Escalator has a important value to workers , public transportation user. Many things tend to be happen in the escalator. Emotional , Physical appearance wise.

No matter day or night escalator is still filled up with motion

As a shader nor rain shelter to end user.

As a shader nor rain shelter to end user.

Site Location : KL sentral , Nu Sentra, Kuala Lumpur

Site Location : KL sentral , Nu Sentra, Kuala Lumpur

Surroundings of Nu Sentral , Entrance of Escalator

Surroundings of Nu Sentral , Entrance of Escalator

Nu Sentral , Entrance of Escalator. Creating emotional to user.

Nu Sentral , Walkway / corridor to nu sentral.

Nu Sentral , Walkway / corridor to nu sentral.

Pubics transport , LRT


Pubics transport , LRT



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