As I promised when I wrote my Anatomy of An Interior Shoot passion from my past lecture days ago. I'm happy to report that I've got much interested in it. Kicking in architectural and interiors photography into high gear and adding some special sauce to my own photos would be great.
There’s often much more than meets the eye at first glance when it comes to architectural and interiors photography. That same concept applies here: if patience and problem solving aren’t in your repertoire of photography skills, I might find myself struggling with creating dramatic, interesting, and dynamic images of spaces.
By praticing I hope I will cover some basics to get myself started, and exploring many more concepts in further detail in the weeks to come with Mr. Martin. Interested in architectural photography as a source of interest and part time, maybe shooting real estate for an agent, or just improving the quality of your architectural shots while on vacation, I'm hoping that. So without further adieu, I’m going to master a few techniques that I’ve come to use when I’m photographing a space especially interior space.


In this photography, the lighting stand out the most and it shows how much needed the light in to interior and architecture design, Besides that, the shadow also has been portrait the shape of the building itself.

When it comes to interior and architectural photography, there is often much more involved than what meets the eye at first glance. In order to create a photograph that is realistic and dramatic,enticing, careful planning, staging, lighting and a healthy dose of patience is imperative. SIte location in this photo is in Malaysia, Semenyih, Sekeping Serendah. Where the architect design in sustainable design which allow nature lightning in to interior space.